GIA - General Information Authority - Libya

GIS Unit for the General Information Authority - Libya

Business Needs

The Libyan General Information Authority (GIA) required a GIS solution that would help in keeping and storing its demographic data, thus helping them to achieve coordination & cooperation between their various departments, as well as provide decision makers with a great opportunity to make better and more informed decisions by enabling them to see a full picture of the situation.

Solution Concept

The project takes place over two phases. Phase one, which has been completed and is concerned with creating a “Geo-Spatial” center based on the latest Geospatial technologies that supports fulfilling the needs & requirements of the GIA as well as handling its various key tasks. Additionally, through these Geospatial technologies, employees are be able to carry out various operations on the data such as searching, querying, printing and creating reports more efficiently.

Phase two is concerned with introducing “Analyzers” that manipulate the demographic data in the system. The analysis results are be used in making conclusions & anticipations related to the information. These analyzers are developed through integration with various statistical systems such as SAS and SPSS.

Golden Points

  • Spatial visualization of demographic data providing a better understanding of facts.
  • Achieving connectivity between GIA headquarters and branches.
  • Provide a means for analyzing demographic and economic data.
  • Providing a strong tool for decision support.
  • Establishing mobile applications as part of activities of GIA.
The Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities (HUUC)