The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - Egypt

Integrated Census Field Survey System for CAMPAS

Business Needs

The Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAMPAS) is the responsible entity for collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing data, statistics, censuses, and reports that support planning and decision-making in the country. CAPMAS wanted to increase work efficiency by utilizing the capabilities of geographic information system (GIS) technology through an integrated field surveying system that modernizes tasks execution, saves time and effort, and supports decision making.

The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics

Solution Concept

The solution provides necessary tools and functionalities to take census collection
Built on ArcGIS for Server and SQL Server technologies
ArcGIS for Server and SQL Server technologies

deployed on Windows hand-held devices integrated with a back-office Web application and directly connected to a centralized geodatabase. Capturing field census data takes place through geo-enabled workflows for definition of enumeration zones; update of map features (blocks, buildings, and streets); and filling electronic tabular census survey forms.

Monitoring of field operations is handled through a back-end application; access to a map-based view of final census results is facilitated through the Geographic Atlas module; and multiple reports are available through different Web

Golden Points

  • Increased work efficiency by utilizing the capabilities of geographic information system (GIS) technology
  • Integrated field surveying system that modernizes tasks execution
  • Saving time and effort, and supporting decision making