Reports Builder

Reports Present the Facts and Figures Behind Your Analysis.

Reports Builder

Reports present the facts and figures behind your analysis. They are invaluable companions to the maps you are creating.

Reports let you effectively display attribute information about map features in a tabular format that you control. Report Builder makes creating reports easy. Using the Report Builder, you can set grouping, sorting, and summary options for the data in your report and choose the layout and style of how the report will be displayed.

Once created, you can add the report to your map layout, print it, save the report, and export it to an easily distributable format. In addition, the Report Builder allows you to add a chart to a report.

You can choose from different chart types and select the variables to display in the chart. Once created, you can customize the layout of each chart.


  • Using the Report Builder, You can set grouping, sorting, and summary options for the data in your report
  • Choose the layout and style of how the report will be displayed
  • It allows you to add charts to the report
  • Choose from different chart types and select the variables to display in the chart.
  • Once created, you can add the report to your map layout, print it, save the report, and export it to an easily distributable format.